


1. 時制 (Tenses)

  • 現在形 (Present Simple): I play tennis.
  • 過去形 (Past Simple): I played tennis.
  • 未来形 (Future Simple): I will play tennis.
  • 現在進行形 (Present Continuous): I am playing tennis.
  • 過去進行形 (Past Continuous): I was playing tennis.
  • 現在完了形 (Present Perfect): I have played tennis.
  • 過去完了形 (Past Perfect): I had played tennis.

2. 助動詞 (Modal Verbs)

  • can, could: 可能性や能力
    • I can swim.
    • Could you help me?
  • will, would: 意志や仮定
    • I will go to the park.
    • Would you like some coffee?
  • must, have to: 義務や必要
    • You must wear a seatbelt.
    • I have to finish my homework.

3. 比較級・最上級 (Comparatives and Superlatives)

  • 比較級: taller, more interesting
    • She is taller than her brother.
    • This book is more interesting than that one.
  • 最上級: tallest, most interesting
    • He is the tallest in the class.
    • This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

4. 受動態 (Passive Voice)

  • 構造: be動詞 + 過去分詞
    • The cake was eaten by the children.
    • The project will be completed by next week.

5. 関係代名詞 (Relative Pronouns)

  • who, whom, whose, which, that
    • The man who is standing there is my uncle.
    • This is the book that I bought yesterday.

6. 仮定法 (Subjunctive Mood)

  • 仮定法過去: If I were rich, I would travel the world.
  • 仮定法過去完了: If I had known, I would have helped you.

7. 不定詞・動名詞 (Infinitives and Gerunds)

  • 不定詞 (to + 動詞の原形): to go, to eat
    • I want to go home.
    • She likes to eat sushi.
  • 動名詞 (動詞の-ing形): going, eating
    • I enjoy going to the beach.
    • She loves eating sushi.

8. 前置詞 (Prepositions)

  • 場所: in, on, at
    • She is in the room.
    • The book is on the table.
    • We will meet at the station.
  • 時間: in, on, at
    • I will see you in the morning.
    • My birthday is on Monday.
    • The meeting starts at 3 PM.

9. 接続詞 (Conjunctions)

  • and, but, or, so, because
    • I like apples and oranges.
    • He is smart but lazy.
    • You can have tea or coffee.
    • I was tired, so I went to bed early.
    • She stayed home because she was sick.

10. 冠詞 (Articles)

  • 定冠詞 (the): The cat is sleeping.
  • 不定冠詞 (a, an): A cat is sleeping. An apple is on the table.

11. 間接話法 (Reported Speech)

  • 直接話法から間接話法へ:
    • She said, “I am happy.” → She said that she was happy.
    • He asked, “Do you like music?” → He asked if I liked music.

12. 疑問文の作り方

  • Yes/No疑問文: Do you like coffee? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
  • Wh疑問文: What is your name? Where do you live?

13. 代名詞 (Pronouns)

  • 主格: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
  • 所有格: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
  • 目的格: me, you, him, her, it, us, them
  • 再帰代名詞: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves





  • accept (受け入れる)
  • achieve (達成する)
  • affect (影響を与える)
  • allow (許可する)
  • appear (現れる)
  • apply (適用する、申し込む)
  • avoid (避ける)
  • believe (信じる)
  • consider (考慮する)
  • create (創造する)
  • develop (発展させる)
  • discover (発見する)
  • expect (期待する)
  • include (含む)
  • increase (増加する)
  • introduce (紹介する)
  • mention (言及する)
  • offer (提供する)
  • produce (生産する)
  • recognize (認識する)


  • ability (能力)
  • advantage (利点)
  • advice (助言)
  • agreement (合意)
  • amount (量)
  • attention (注意)
  • behavior (行動)
  • belief (信念)
  • community (地域社会)
  • comparison (比較)
  • condition (状態)
  • decision (決定)
  • development (発展)
  • difference (違い)
  • effect (効果)
  • experience (経験)
  • information (情報)
  • interest (興味)
  • knowledge (知識)
  • opportunity (機会)


  • available (利用可能な)
  • aware (気づいている)
  • common (共通の)
  • current (現在の)
  • difficult (難しい)
  • efficient (効率的な)
  • environmental (環境の)
  • essential (必要不可欠な)
  • financial (財政の)
  • general (一般的な)
  • important (重要な)
  • individual (個々の)
  • necessary (必要な)
  • physical (身体の、物理的な)
  • possible (可能な)
  • recent (最近の)
  • significant (重要な)
  • similar (似ている)
  • various (様々な)
  • whole (全体の)


  • actually (実際に)
  • almost (ほとんど)
  • always (いつも)
  • certainly (確かに)
  • especially (特に)
  • exactly (正確に)
  • frequently (頻繁に)
  • generally (一般的に)
  • immediately (すぐに)
  • nearly (ほとんど)
  • necessarily (必ずしも)
  • particularly (特に)
  • probably (おそらく)
  • recently (最近)
  • relatively (比較的)
  • simply (単に)
  • usually (通常)
  • widely (広く)
  • clearly (明確に)
  • constantly (常に)


  • against (~に反対して)
  • among (~の中で)
  • despite (~にもかかわらず)
  • during (~の間に)
  • except (~を除いて)
  • including (~を含む)
  • throughout (~の至る所に)
  • toward (~に向かって)
  • within (~の中で)
  • without (~なしで)


  • as well as (~だけでなく)
  • by means of (~によって)
  • due to (~のために)
  • in addition to (~に加えて)
  • in case of (~の場合に)
  • in favor of (~に賛成して)
  • in spite of (~にもかかわらず)
  • instead of (~の代わりに)
  • on behalf of (~を代表して)
  • regardless of (~にかかわらず)



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