
Circle of trust. Group of people are sitting in circle and supporting each other.


1. ディスカッションの開始

A(司会者): Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining this discussion. Today, we’re going to talk about improving our company’s customer service. Let’s start by sharing our initial thoughts. John, would you like to begin?

B(参加者): Sure. I think we need to focus on better training for our customer service representatives. Many of them are new and could benefit from more comprehensive onboarding.

2. 意見の共有

C(参加者): I agree with John. Additionally, I believe we should implement a feedback system where customers can rate their service experience. This will help us identify areas for improvement.

D(参加者): That’s a good point. We could also offer incentives for employees who receive positive feedback, to motivate them to provide excellent service.

3. 意見の補足や反論

A(司会者): Those are great suggestions. Does anyone have any other thoughts or perhaps a different perspective?

E(参加者): I think we should also look into updating our customer service software. The current system is outdated and slows down response times, which frustrates both our staff and customers.

B(参加者): While I agree that software updates are important, we should prioritize training first. Improved skills will have an immediate impact, whereas new software might take longer to implement.

4. 質問と回答

A(司会者): Does anyone have any questions or need clarification on any of the points raised so far?

C(参加者): Yes, I have a question for John. You mentioned better training programs. Could you elaborate on what specific areas you think need improvement?

B(参加者): Certainly. I think we should focus on conflict resolution and effective communication techniques. These are critical skills that can help our representatives handle difficult situations more professionally.

5. まとめと次のステップ

A(司会者): We’ve discussed several important points today: better training, a feedback system, employee incentives, and updating our software. To move forward, let’s assign tasks to each team member. Sarah, could you look into potential training programs?

D(参加者): Yes, I can do that.

A(司会者): Great. And Michael, could you research feedback systems that we could implement?

C(参加者): Absolutely, I’ll get started on that.

A(司会者): Thank you. Let’s reconvene next week to share our findings and develop a concrete plan.

6. ディスカッションの終わり

A(司会者): Thank you all for your valuable input. This discussion has been very productive. If there are no further questions or comments, we’ll conclude here. Have a great day!

B(参加者): Thank you, everyone. Looking forward to our next meeting.

C(参加者): Thanks. See you next week!



  • I completely agree with what you’ve said.
  • That’s a great point.
  • I think you’re right about that.


  • I see your point, but I have a different perspective.
  • I understand what you’re saying, however, I believe that…
  • I respectfully disagree because…


  • What do you think about this, Emily?
  • Can anyone add to what John just said?
  • Does anyone have a different opinion?


  • Could you explain that a bit more?
  • What do you mean by…?
  • How do you think we can implement that?


  • Let’s move on to the next point.
  • Can we focus on…
  • We need to make a decision on this.


もっと学ぼう!次はテーマは「朝型人間 vs 夜型人間」

1. ディベートの開始

A(司会者): Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to today’s debate on the topic: “Morning People vs. Night Owls.” Representing the side in favor of being a morning person is Alex, and arguing for being a night owl is Taylor. Alex, you have the floor for your opening statement.

B(アレックス): Thank you. Being a morning person has many benefits. You can start your day early, be more productive, and enjoy the natural daylight. Research shows that morning people often have better mental health and are more proactive.

C(テイラー): Thank you. While morning people have their advantages, being a night owl also has its benefits. Night owls tend to be more creative and can work without distractions late at night. Many successful people, including artists and writers, have been night owls.

2. 主張と反論

B(アレックス): Morning people can align their schedules with the majority of the world, making it easier to attend meetings and social events. Additionally, getting up early allows for a healthy routine, including exercise and a nutritious breakfast.

C(テイラー): While that may be true, night owls can take advantage of quiet hours to focus deeply on tasks without interruptions. The flexibility of working late allows for uninterrupted creativity and productivity.

3. 質問と回答

A(司会者): Let’s move to the question and answer segment. Alex, what would you say to those who argue that night owls can still be productive and maintain a healthy lifestyle?

B(アレックス): That’s a valid point. However, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and getting enough rest can be challenging for night owls. Morning routines often promote better sleep hygiene and overall well-being.

C(テイラー): But it’s also possible for night owls to establish healthy routines. With proper time management, night owls can balance their schedules and ensure they get enough sleep and exercise.

4. 結論

A(司会者): We will now hear the closing statements. Alex, you may begin.

B(アレックス): Thank you. Being a morning person offers a structured routine, aligns with most societal norms, and promotes better mental and physical health. It’s a lifestyle that encourages productivity and well-being.

C(テイラー): Thank you. Being a night owl allows for creativity and uninterrupted focus during the quiet hours. With proper management, night owls can also maintain a healthy and productive lifestyle. It’s a matter of personal preference and finding what works best for each individual.

A(司会者): Thank you both for your arguments. This concludes our debate on “Morning People vs. Night Owls.” We appreciate your participation and thoughtful discussion.



  • I agree with the point that…
  • That’s a great point.
  • I think you’re right about that.


  • I see your point, but I have a different perspective.
  • I understand what you’re saying, but…
  • I respectfully disagree because…


  • To add to what was said…
  • Furthermore, it’s important to note that…
  • Another factor to consider is…


  • How do you address the concern that…?
  • What’s your response to the argument that…?
  • Can you provide more details on…?


  • In conclusion, it’s clear that…
  • To sum up, the evidence suggests that…
  • Ultimately, we must consider that…




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