
Cute animal set with farm and wild character. Cat and lion, elephant and monkey. Zoo collection. Isolated flat vector illustration




  1. Lion – ライオン
  2. Elephant – ゾウ
  3. Giraffe – キリン
  4. Tiger – トラ
  5. Bear – クマ
  6. Zebra – シマウマ
  7. Kangaroo – カンガルー
  8. Monkey – サル
  9. Deer – シカ
  10. Fox – キツネ


  1. Dolphin – イルカ
  2. Whale – クジラ
  3. Shark – サメ
  4. Octopus – タコ
  5. Jellyfish – クラゲ
  6. Seal – アザラシ
  7. Lobster – ロブスター
  8. Crab – カニ
  9. Starfish – ヒトデ
  10. Clownfish – クマノミ


  1. Eagle – ワシ
  2. Owl – フクロウ
  3. Penguin – ペンギン
  4. Parrot – オウム
  5. Swan – ハクチョウ
  6. Peacock – クジャク
  7. Sparrow – スズメ
  8. Flamingo – フラミンゴ
  9. Seagull – カモメ
  10. Hummingbird – ハチドリ


  1. Butterfly – チョウ
  2. Bee – ハチ
  3. Ant – アリ
  4. Beetle – カブトムシ
  5. Dragonfly – トンボ
  6. Ladybug – テントウムシ
  7. Mosquito – カ
  8. Grasshopper – バッタ
  9. Caterpillar – イモムシ
  10. Wasp – スズメバチ


  1. Snake – ヘビ
  2. Crocodile – ワニ
  3. Turtle – カメ
  4. Lizard – トカゲ
  5. Frog – カエル
  6. Chameleon – カメレオン
  7. Gecko – ヤモリ
  8. Salamander – サンショウウオ
  9. Toad – ヒキガエル
  10. Iguana – イグアナ


  1. Dog – 犬
  2. Cat – 猫
  3. Rabbit – ウサギ
  4. Hamster – ハムスター
  5. Guinea Pig – モルモット
  6. Parakeet – インコ
  7. Goldfish – 金魚
  8. Horse – 馬
  9. Cow – 牛
  10. Pig – 豚





  1. As busy as a bee
    • とても忙しい
    • “She’s as busy as a bee with all her schoolwork.”
  2. Let the cat out of the bag
    • 秘密を漏らす
    • “He accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.”
  3. Curiosity killed the cat
    • 好奇心は身を滅ぼす
    • “Be careful asking too many questions. Remember, curiosity killed the cat.”
  4. The early bird catches the worm
    • 早起きは三文の徳
    • “If you want to get good seats, remember that the early bird catches the worm.”
  5. Hold your horses
    • 落ち着いて、待って
    • “Hold your horses! We haven’t finished yet.”


  1. Raining cats and dogs
    • 土砂降りの雨
    • “It’s raining cats and dogs outside, so don’t forget your umbrella.”
  2. A fish out of water
    • 場違いな感じ
    • “He felt like a fish out of water at his new job.”
  3. Birds of a feather flock together
    • 類は友を呼ぶ
    • “Those two are always together; birds of a feather flock together.”
  4. Take the bull by the horns
    • 困難に立ち向かう
    • “If you want to solve this problem, you need to take the bull by the horns.”
  5. Let sleeping dogs lie
    • 触らぬ神に祟りなし
    • “You should let sleeping dogs lie and not bring up old arguments.”


  1. Like a bull in a china shop
    • 不器用で乱暴な人
    • “He’s like a bull in a china shop; he keeps knocking things over.”
  2. Chicken out
    • 怖気づいてやめる
    • “He was going to try bungee jumping but chickened out at the last minute.”
  3. Have ants in your pants
    • そわそわしている
    • “She couldn’t sit still during the meeting; she had ants in her pants.”
  4. A wolf in sheep’s clothing
    • 羊の皮をかぶった狼
    • “Be careful of him; he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”
  5. Like water off a duck’s back
    • まったく効き目がない
    • “No matter how much you criticize him, it’s like water off a duck’s back.”



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