


  1. Surrender – 降伏
    例: Japan’s surrender in World War II.
  2. Memorial – 記念(碑)、追悼
    例: The End of the War Memorial Day.
  3. Anniversary – 記念日
    例: The anniversary of the end of World War II.
  4. Remembrance – 追悼、記憶
    例: A day of remembrance for the victims of the war.
  5. Ceremony – 式典
    例: Many ceremonies are held on August 15th.
  6. Peace – 平和
    例: People pray for peace on this day.
  7. War – 戦争
    例: The end of World War II.
  8. Victim – 犠牲者
    例: To honor the victims of the war.
  9. Reflection – 反省、熟考
    例: A time for reflection on the past.
  10. Tragedy – 悲劇
    例: The tragedies of war.




The “End of the War Memorial Day” in Japan, known as “Shūsen Kinenbi” (終戦記念日), is observed on August 15th each year. This day marks the anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II in 1945, effectively ending the war. It is a day of reflection and remembrance for those who lost their lives during the war, including soldiers and civilians from both Japan and other countries. On this day, many people in Japan pray for peace and attend ceremonies to honor the victims of the war.



  1. “August 15th is known as the End of the War Memorial Day in Japan.” 「8月15日は日本で終戦記念日として知られています。」
  2. “This day marks Japan’s surrender in World War II.” 「この日は日本が第二次世界大戦で降伏したことを記念しています。」
  3. “It is a day of remembrance for those who lost their lives during the war.” 「この日は、戦争中に命を落とした人々を追悼する日です。」
  4. “Many people pray for peace and attend memorial ceremonies on this day.” 「多くの人々がこの日に平和を祈り、追悼式に参加します。」
  5. “The day serves as a time for reflection on the tragedies of war.” 「この日は、戦争の悲劇について反省する時でもあります。」
  6. “August 15th marks the anniversary of the end of World War II.” 「8月15日は第二次世界大戦の終結記念日です。」
  7. “Ceremonies are held across Japan to honor the war victims.” 「日本全国で戦争犠牲者を追悼する式典が行われます。」
  8. “The day is significant for promoting peace and remembering history.” 「この日は平和を促進し、歴史を記憶する上で重要です。」
  9. “It is a solemn day of reflection and remembrance in Japan.” 「これは日本における厳粛な反省と追悼の日です。」
  10. “People gather to pay their respects to those who suffered during the war.” 「人々は戦争で苦しんだ人々に敬意を表するために集まります。」



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