



敬老の日:Respect for the Aged Day

 Respect for the Aged Day is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on the third Monday of September. The day is dedicated to honoring and showing appreciation for elderly people. It’s a time to recognize the contributions of older generations and to celebrate their wisdom and experience. Families often use the occasion to visit elderly relatives, give gifts, or participate in community events that acknowledge the importance of the elderly in society. The holiday reflects the deep respect for age and the value placed on long life in Japanese culture.




  • honor : 敬う、尊敬する
  • elderly people : 年配の人々、年長者
  • contribution : 貢献
  • wisdom : 知恵、見識

秋分の日:Autumn Equinox Day

 Autumn Equinox Day is a Japanese national holiday celebrated around September 23rd. The day marks the autumnal equinox, a point in the year when day and night are approximately equal in length.

In Japan, the date of the autumnal equinox typically falls between September 22nd and September 24th. The exact date varies each year due to the Earth’s orbit and the way the calendar aligns with astronomical events.

It is a time for reflecting on the changing seasons, appreciating nature, and remembering ancestors. Many people visit family graves, participate in family gatherings, and enjoy seasonal foods. The holiday emphasizes the balance between light and dark and is a moment to think about the cycle of life and nature.






  • equinox : 分点(昼と夜の長さがほぼ等しくなる時)

(Vernal Equinox Day : 春分の日)

  • equal in length : 長さが等しい
  • earth’s orbit : 地球の軌道
  • align : 並べる、そろえる、整列させる
  • astronomical : 天文学的な
  • ancestor : 先祖