


  1. Dentist (デンティスト) – 歯科医
  2. Dental hygienist (デンタルハイジニスト) – 歯科衛生士
  3. Cavity (キャビティ) – 虫歯
  4. Toothache (トゥースエイク) – 歯痛
  5. Filling (フィリング) – 詰め物(虫歯治療の詰め物)
  6. Root canal (ルートキャナル) – 根管治療
  7. Crown (クラウン) – クラウン、被せ物
  8. Gum (ガム) – 歯茎
  9. Wisdom tooth (ウィズダムトゥース) – 親知らず
  10. Extraction (エクストラクション) – 抜歯
  11. Brace (ブレース) – 矯正器具
  12. Cleaning (クリーニング) – 歯のクリーニング
  13. X-ray (エックスレイ) – レントゲン
  14. Fluoride (フルオライド) – フッ素
  15. Plaque (プラーク) – 歯垢
  16. Tartar (ターター) – 歯石
  17. Numbing (ナンビング) – 麻酔、麻酔で感覚がなくなること
  18. Check-up (チェックアップ) – 定期検診
  19. Gingivitis (ジンジャバイティス) – 歯肉炎
  20. Dentures (デンチャーズ) – 入れ歯





  1. Patient: “I’d like to make an appointment to see the dentist.”
    Receptionist: “Sure! When would you like to come in?”
  2. Patient: “Do you have any openings this week?”
    Receptionist: “Yes, we have an opening on Thursday at 10 AM.”
  3. Patient: “How long will the appointment take?”
    Receptionist: “It should take about 30 minutes.”
  4. Patient: “Can I reschedule my appointment?”
    Receptionist: “Of course! When would you like to reschedule it to?”


  1. Patient: “I have a toothache.”
    Dentist: “How long have you had the pain?”
  2. Patient: “My gums are swollen and bleeding.”
    Dentist: “Let me take a look. Do you feel pain when you brush your teeth?”
  3. Patient: “I think I have a cavity.”
    Dentist: “We’ll do an X-ray to check it out.”
  4. Patient: “My tooth hurts when I eat something cold.”
    Dentist: “That might be sensitivity or a sign of a cavity.”


  1. Dentist: “I’m going to give you a local anesthetic to numb the area.”
    Patient: “Will it hurt?”
  2. Dentist: “You may feel some pressure, but it shouldn’t hurt.”
    Patient: “Okay, I understand.”
  3. Dentist: “We’ll need to do a filling on this tooth.”
    Patient: “How long will that take?”
  4. Dentist: “I recommend a root canal for this tooth.”
    Patient: “What does that involve?”
  5. Dentist: “We’ll need to extract your wisdom tooth.”
    Patient: “Will I need pain medication afterward?”


  1. Dentist: “You should come back in six months for a check-up.”
    Patient: “Okay, I’ll schedule it with the receptionist.”
  2. Dentist: “Avoid eating hard foods for a couple of days.”
    Patient: “Got it. Thanks for the advice.”
  3. Dentist: “Let me know if you experience any pain after the procedure.”
    Patient: “I will, thank you.”





  1. I have a toothache.
  2. I think I have a cavity.
  3. My gums are swollen.
  4. It hurts when I chew.
  5. Can I get a cleaning today?
  6. I’m sensitive to cold/hot drinks.
  7. How long will the procedure take?
  8. Will I need anesthesia?
  9. How much will this treatment cost?
  10. When should I come back for a check-up?


  1. Open your mouth wide, please.
  2. I’m going to take an X-ray of your teeth.
  3. You have a cavity in this tooth.
  4. I’ll need to do a filling.
  5. Does this hurt?
  6. You might feel some pressure, but it shouldn’t hurt.
  7. I recommend a root canal for this tooth.
  8. We’ll numb the area so you won’t feel any pain.
  9. You’ll need to avoid hard foods for a few days.
  10. Let me know if you feel any pain or discomfort after the procedure.
