🗣️ Lesson 10: 仕事やビジネスで使える英会話 

(Business and Work English)

🎯 目標 (Goals)

  • 仕事やビジネスでよく使われるフレーズを習得する
  • 会議や電話、メールで自信を持ってコミュニケーションを取る
  • ビジネスシーンでの基本的な英語表現を学ぶ

📚 Part 1: キーワードとフレーズ (Key Vocabulary & Phrases)

💼 会話でよく使われるフレーズ (Common Phrases in Business Conversations):

  • Could you clarify that?(それをもう少し詳しく教えていただけますか?)
  • I would like to discuss…(~について話したいのですが)
  • Let me summarize what we’ve discussed.(これまでの話をまとめさせていただきます。)
  • I agree with you on that.(その点については賛成です。)
  • I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite catch that.(すみませんが、ちょっと聞き取れませんでした。)
  • Can we schedule a meeting?(ミーティングの予定を立ててもいいですか?)
  • I’ll follow up on this.(この件について追って連絡します。)
  • What’s the status of…?(~の進捗はどうですか?)
  • Could you send me the details?(詳細を送っていただけますか?)

📞 電話で使うフレーズ (Phrases for Phone Calls):

  • This is [Your Name] speaking.([名前]が話しています。)
  • I’m calling to follow up on…(~についてフォローアップのためにお電話しました。)
  • Could you put me through to [Name/Department]?([名前/部署]におつなぎいただけますか?)
  • I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.(できるだけ早くお返事いたします。)
  • Thank you for your time.(お時間いただきありがとうございます。)
  • I’ll leave a message for [Name].([名前]にメッセージを残しておきます。)

🎭 Part 2: モデル会話 (Model Dialogue)

Situation 1: 会議での会話 (Business Meeting Conversation)

You: Let’s begin the meeting. First, I’d like to discuss the progress of our project.
Colleague: Sure. So far, we’ve completed the initial phase, and we’re currently working on the second phase.
You: That’s great! Could you clarify the timeline for the second phase?
Colleague: We expect to finish it by the end of next month.
You: Perfect, thank you for the update. I’ll follow up with you next week for any additional details.

Situation 2: 電話での会話 (Phone Call Conversation)

You: Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. May I speak to [Name]?
Receptionist: One moment, please. I’ll transfer you.
You: Thank you.
[Name]: Hello, [Your Name], how can I help you?
You: I’m calling to follow up on the contract we discussed last week. Could you send me the updated version?
[Name]: Sure, I’ll send it over by the end of the day.
You: Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!

📝 Part 3: 練習問題 (Practice Exercises)

A. 穴埋め練習 (Fill in the Blanks):

  1. “Could you _______ that for me?” (clarify)
  2. “I’ll _______ with you next week.” (follow up)
  3. “Can we _______ a meeting for tomorrow?” (schedule)
  4. “Could you send me _______ the details?” (over)

B. 質問に答えましょう (Answer the Questions):

  1. How would you introduce yourself on a business call?
  2. How would you express agreement with a colleague in a meeting?
  3. What would you say if you didn’t understand a point during a business meeting?
  4. If you need to schedule a meeting with someone, what would you say?
  5. How would you follow up on an email request in English?

🔄 Part 4: ロールプレイ (Role-Play Practice)

Scenario 1: 会議でのやり取り (Business Meeting)

  • あなた: 同僚として、プロジェクトの進捗について話し合います。
  • パートナー: あなたに状況を説明し、進捗を報告します。


  • “We are almost finished with the first phase of the project.”
  • “Could you clarify the deadline for phase two?”

Scenario 2: 電話でのやり取り (Phone Call)

  • あなた: ビジネスの電話をかけて、ミーティングを設定したり、質問したりします。
  • パートナー: 電話を受けて、必要な情報を提供します。


  • “I’m calling to confirm the details of our meeting tomorrow.”
  • “I’ll send the details over shortly.”

💬 Part 5: 会話の質問 (Conversation Questions)

  1. What’s the most important thing to do during a business meeting?
  2. How do you politely disagree with a colleague in English?
  3. What kind of questions do you ask when following up on a project?
  4. How would you end a business call politely?
  5. What phrases would you use to request more information in a business conversation?

✍️ Part 6: 宿題 (Homework)

A. メールを使ったビジネスコミュニケーション (Business Email Writing):

  • ビジネスメールを英語で書いてみましょう。例えば、会議の予定を確認したり、進捗報告をしたりする内容です。


  • Subject: Follow-up on the Meeting Request
  • Dear [Name],
  • I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our meeting scheduled for next week.
  • Please let me know if there is any additional information you would like me to prepare.