🚑 Lesson 6: 病気・緊急時の英会話

 (Health and Emergency Conversations)

🎯 目標 (Goals)

  • 病気や怪我の症状を英語で説明できるようになる
  • 病院や薬局でのやり取りを学ぶ
  • 緊急事態で必要なフレーズを身につける

📚 Part 1: キーワードとフレーズ (Key Vocabulary & Phrases)

🩺 単語 (Vocabulary):

  • Fever(熱)
  • Headache(頭痛)
  • Cough(咳)
  • Sore throat(喉の痛み)
  • Stomachache(腹痛)
  • Injury(怪我)
  • Ambulance(救急車)
  • Hospital(病院)
  • Prescription(処方箋)
  • Medicine(薬)

💬 よく使うフレーズ (Common Phrases):

  • “I don’t feel well.”(気分が悪いです。)
  • “I have a headache.”(頭が痛いです。)
  • “I have a fever and a sore throat.”(熱と喉の痛みがあります。)
  • “Can you recommend something for my stomachache?”(腹痛に効くものを教えてもらえますか?)
  • “I need to see a doctor.”(医者に診てもらいたいです。)
  • “Where is the nearest hospital?”(最寄りの病院はどこですか?)
  • “I think I need an ambulance.”(救急車を呼ぶ必要があると思います。)
  • “How long do I need to rest?”(どれくらい休む必要がありますか?)
  • “Do you have any painkillers?”(鎮痛剤はありますか?)

🎭 Part 2: モデル会話 (Model Dialogue)

Situation 1: 病院での会話 (At the Hospital)

You: Hello, I don’t feel well. Can I see a doctor?
Receptionist: Of course. What seems to be the problem?
You: I have a fever and a headache.
Receptionist: I’ll ask the doctor to see you. Please take a seat.
You: Thank you.

Situation 2: 薬局での会話 (At the Pharmacy)

You: Excuse me, I have a stomachache. Do you have any medicine?
Pharmacist: Yes, we have some over-the-counter medicine. Are you allergic to any medication?
You: No, I’m not.
Pharmacist: Here you go. Take one tablet after meals.
You: Thank you.

📝 Part 3: 練習問題 (Practice Exercises)

A. 穴埋め練習 (Fill in the Blanks):

  1. I have a _______ and a sore throat.
  2. I need to see a _______ because I’m feeling unwell.
  3. Can you recommend something for my _______?
  4. Where is the nearest _______?

B. 質問に答えましょう (Answer the Questions):

  1. Have you ever been sick while traveling abroad? What happened?
  2. What would you do if you felt very sick in a foreign country?
  3. Do you think it’s important to learn medical vocabulary in English? Why?

🔄 Part 4: ロールプレイ (Role-Play Practice)

Scenario 1:

  • あなた: 病院で、診察を受けるシチュエーションをシミュレートします。
  • パートナー: 医者または看護師として症状を聞き、アドバイスをします。


  • “What seems to be the problem?”
  • “I have a headache and a fever.”
  • “Okay, let me check your temperature.”

Scenario 2:

  • あなた: 薬局で、薬を求めるシチュエーションを練習します。
  • パートナー: 薬剤師として、薬を提案し、使い方を教えます。


  • “Do you have something for a stomachache?”
  • “Yes, we have a few options. Let me show you.”

💬 Part 5: 病気や緊急時に関する質問 (Health & Emergency Conversation Questions)

  1. How do you describe your symptoms to a doctor in your native language?
  2. What would you do if you had an accident while traveling abroad?
  3. Do you prefer going to a clinic or a hospital when you’re sick? Why?
  4. Have you ever had to call for an ambulance? What happened?
  5. If you had a serious illness, what kind of medical treatment would you want?

✍️ Part 6: 宿題 (Homework)

A. 病院での会話を英語で作成 (Create a Hospital Dialogue in English):

  • 病院に行ったときの状況をシミュレートして、2~3人の会話を作ってみてください。
    • 例:
      • “I don’t feel well. I have a headache.”
      • “How long have you had these symptoms?”
      • “For two days.”
      • “Let me take your temperature.”