


1. 挨拶と近況の確認

A: “Hi! How are you doing?”
B: “I’m good, thanks! How about you?”
A: “I’m doing well. Just busy with work. What have you been up to lately?”
B: “Not much, just catching up on some reading and relaxing.”

2. 自己紹介

A: “Hi, I’m Sarah. I don’t think we’ve met before.”
B: “Nice to meet you, Sarah. I’m John.”
A: “Nice to meet you too, John. What do you do?”
B: “I’m a graphic designer. How about you?”
A: “I’m a teacher.”

3. 食事や飲み物の注文

A: “Can I get a coffee, please?”
B: “Sure. Would you like cream and sugar with that?”
A: “Yes, please. And can I also get a blueberry muffin?”
B: “Of course. Your total is $5.50.”

4. 計画を立てる

A: “What are you doing this weekend?”
B: “I’m thinking about going hiking. Do you want to join?”
A: “That sounds fun! What time were you thinking of going?”
B: “Maybe around 8 AM. Does that work for you?”
A: “Yes, that works for me. I’ll see you then!”

5. 問題を報告する

A: “Excuse me, but there seems to be a problem with my order.”
B: “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What seems to be the issue?”
A: “I ordered a vegetarian meal, but it looks like there’s meat in it.”
B: “I apologize for the mistake. I’ll get it corrected right away.”

6. 感謝と応答

A: “Thank you for helping me with the presentation.”
B: “No problem at all. I’m glad I could help.”
A: “I really appreciate it. It made a big difference.”
B: “You’re welcome. I’m happy to help anytime.”

7. 意見を交換する

A: “What do you think of the new restaurant down the street?”
B: “I haven’t been there yet. Is it good?”
A: “Yes, I went last week, and the food was great. I recommend trying the pasta.”
B: “Thanks for the tip! I’ll have to check it out.”

8. 予約やアポイントメント

A: “I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Smith.”
B: “Sure. What day and time would you prefer?”
A: “How about Thursday at 2 PM?”
B: “Let me check… Yes, we have an opening then. I’ll book it for you.”

9. 道を尋ねる

A: “Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?”
B: “Sure. Go straight down this road, and then take a left at the second intersection. The station will be on your right.”
A: “Thank you very much!”
B: “You’re welcome!”

10. 感情や状態を共有する

A: “I’ve been feeling a bit stressed lately with all the work.”
B: “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?”
A: “I think just talking about it helps. Thanks for listening.”
B: “Anytime. If you need to talk more, I’m here.”




  • Menu: メニュー
  • Order: 注文する
  • Table: テーブル
  • Seat: 席
  • Bill/Check: お会計
  • Tip: チップ
  • Waiter/Waitress: ウェイター/ウェイトレス
  • Barista: バリスタ
  • Specials: スペシャル(本日のおすすめ)
  • Reservation: 予約
  • Refill: おかわり
  • Takeout/To-go: テイクアウト
  • Dine-in: 店内で食事する
  • Sugar: 砂糖
  • Cream: クリーム
  • Milk: 牛乳
  • Cup: カップ
  • Mug: マグカップ
  • Saucer: ソーサー(カップの下に置く小皿)
  • Napkin: ナプキン
  • Stirrer: スティック(かき混ぜる用の棒)





  • “Can I see the menu, please?”
  • “I’d like to order a [coffee/tea/sandwich], please.”
  • “Can I get this to go?”
  • “What’s the special today?”


  • “I’d like my coffee with cream and sugar, please.”
  • “Could I have a refill, please?”
  • “Can I get this without [milk/sugar]?”


  • “Could I have the check, please?”
  • “Is service included?”
  • “Can I pay with a credit card?”


  • “Do you have any vegan options?”
  • “Is there a Wi-Fi connection here?”
  • “Can I have a glass of water, please?”




1. G’day

  • 意味: 「こんにちは」の意味で、カジュアルな挨拶として使われます。

2. Mate

  • 意味: 「友達」や「仲間」の意味で、誰にでも使える親しみのある呼び方です。

3. Arvo

  • 意味: 「午後」の略で、特に「今日の午後」と言いたいときに使います。

4. Brekkie

  • 意味: 「朝食」の略。朝ごはんを指す言葉です。

5. Barbie

  • 意味: 「バーベキュー」の略。友人と集まってのバーベキューを指します。

6. Fair dinkum

  • 意味: 「本当に」や「正真正銘」という意味で、真実を強調するときに使います。

7. Bogan

  • 意味: 教養がなく、カジュアルな生活を送っている人を指す言葉。少し侮蔑的な意味合いがあります。

8. Dunny

  • 意味: 「トイレ」のスラング。特に外のトイレを指すことが多いです。

9. Snag

  • 意味: 「ソーセージ」の意味で、特にバーベキューでよく使われる食べ物です。

10. Chook

  • 意味: 「鶏」を指す言葉。特に家庭用の鶏肉を意味することが多いです。

11. No worries

  • 意味: 「心配いらない」や「大丈夫」という意味で、リラックスした表現です。

12. Sook

  • 意味: 感情的になりやすい人や、すぐに泣く人を指す言葉。少し軽蔑的なニュアンスがあります。
