

1. 新年の挨拶

  • Happy New Year!(新年おめでとう!)
  • Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year!(幸せで繁栄のある新年をお祈りします!)
  • Cheers to the New Year!(新年に乾杯!)
  • Hope this year brings you happiness and success!(今年が幸せと成功をもたらしますように!)
  • Let’s make this year unforgettable!(今年を忘れられない年にしましょう!)

2. 日本のお正月に関連するフレーズ

  • How do you celebrate New Year’s in Japan?
  • In Japan, we have a tradition called “Oshogatsu,” which is the Japanese New Year celebration.
  • We eat special New Year’s foods, like osechi and mochi.
  • Many people visit shrines to pray for good fortune.
  • We clean the house thoroughly before the New Year.

3. 新年の食べ物や習慣を説明する英語

  • Osechi ryori is a traditional Japanese New Year’s meal served in special boxes.
  • Mochi is a type of rice cake we often eat during the New Year.
  • We send New Year’s cards, called “nengajo,” to friends and family.
  • Children receive money as a gift during New Year’s, called “otoshidama.”
  • We decorate the house with items like “kadomatsu” and “kagami mochi.”

4. 新年の抱負や目標に関するフレーズ

  • What’s your New Year’s resolution?
  • My resolution is to improve my English skills.
  • I plan to exercise more and eat healthier this year.
  • I want to save more money this year.

5. 日本のお正月を説明する際に使える会話例

  • Q: How do you celebrate New Year’s in Japan?
    A: In Japan, we celebrate Oshogatsu with family. We eat osechi, visit shrines, and give otoshidama to kids.
  • Q: What is “osechi ryori”?
    A: It’s a traditional Japanese New Year meal served in a lacquer box. Each dish has a special meaning, like good health or prosperity.

6. 知っておきたい新年やお正月の単語

  • New Year’s Eve(大晦日)
  • Countdown(カウントダウン)
  • Shrine visit(初詣)
  • First dream of the year(初夢)
  • Zodiac sign(干支)
  • Good luck charm(お守り)
  • Traditional decorations(伝統的な飾り)
  • Clean slate(新しいスタート/リセット)




過ごし方 (How People Spend the New Year in Japan)

1. 大掃除 / Year-End Cleaning (Osoji)
At the end of the year, people clean their homes to purify the space and prepare for good fortune in the New Year.

2. 門松や鏡餅の飾り付け / Decorations: Kadomatsu and Kagami Mochi
People decorate their entrances with kadomatsu (pine decorations) and place kagami mochi (stacked rice cakes) indoors to welcome the New Year deity (Toshigami-sama).

3. 年越しそば / Toshikoshi Soba (Year-End Noodles)
On December 31, people eat toshikoshi soba, which symbolizes long life and resilience.

4. 初詣 / Hatsumode (First Shrine Visit)
After the New Year begins, families visit shrines or temples to pray for health and happiness in the coming year.

5. おせち料理 / Osechi Ryori (Traditional New Year Dishes)
Families eat osechi ryori, a set of traditional dishes, each representing wishes for prosperity, health, or happiness.

6. お年玉 / Otoshidama (New Year’s Money)
Children receive money gifts called otoshidama from relatives.

7. 凧揚げや羽根つき / Traditional Games: Kite Flying and Hanetsuki
Some families enjoy traditional games like kite flying (takoage) or hanetsuki (a badminton-like game).

歴史 (The History of Japanese New Year)


The culture of Oshogatsu originates from ancient Chinese calendars and rituals. During the Heian period (794–1185), New Year celebrations were significant among the nobility, and these traditions spread to common people during the Edo period (1603–1868). With the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in the Meiji era (1868–1912), January 1 officially became New Year’s Day. Preparing to welcome Toshigami-sama (the deity of the year) is a key custom.




新年の挨拶 / New Year Greetings

1. 日本語: 明けましておめでとうございます。本年もよろしくお願いいたします。
English: Happy New Year! I look forward to your continued support this year.

2. 日本語: 新年が皆さまにとって素晴らしい一年となりますように。
English: Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.

3. 日本語: 昨年は大変お世話になりました。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
English: Thank you for all your support last year. I look forward to working with you again this year.

4. 日本語: ご家族皆さまのご健康とご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。
English: Wishing you and your family good health and happiness.

5. 日本語: 謹賀新年。新しい年が皆さまにとって素晴らしいものになりますように。
English: Happy New Year! May this year bring you great joy and success.

感謝の表現 / Expressions of Gratitude

1. 日本語: 昨年は素晴らしいご縁をいただき、感謝しております。
English: I am grateful for the wonderful connection we made last year.

2. 日本語: いつも温かいご支援に感謝しております。
English: I truly appreciate your continued support and kindness.

3. 日本語: 昨年のご厚情に心より感謝申し上げます。
English: Thank you sincerely for your kindness and support last year.

未来への願い / Hopes for the Future

1. 日本語: 今年が皆さまにとって飛躍の一年となりますようお祈り申し上げます。
English: May this year be a successful and prosperous one for you.

2. 日本語: 新しい挑戦が実り多きものとなりますように。
English: Wishing you success in all your new challenges this year.

3. 日本語: 新たな一年が素敵な思い出で満たされますように。
English: May this new year be filled with wonderful memories.

カジュアルな表現 / Casual Phrases

1. 日本語: 新年、楽しいことがたくさんありますように!
English: Wishing you lots of fun and happiness in the New Year!

2. 日本語: 今年も笑顔あふれる一年を過ごしましょう!
English: Let’s make this year full of smiles and joy!

3. 日本語: 良いお正月をお過ごしください!
English: Have a great New Year’s holiday!

ビジネス向けの表現 / Business Phrases

1. 日本語: 本年も変わらぬご愛顧を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
English: We look forward to your continued patronage this year.

2. 日本語: ますますのご繁栄をお祈り申し上げます。
English: Wishing you continued success and prosperity.

3. 日本語: 本年もご指導・ご鞭撻のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。
English: I look forward to your guidance and support again this year.
