📖 Lesson 2: レストラン・カフェでの会話

🎯 レッスンの目標

  • レストランやカフェでスムーズに注文ができるようになる
  • ウェイターや店員とのやりとりを練習する
  • メニューに関する英語表現を学ぶ

🔤 Part 1: 基本フレーズ (Essential Phrases)

A table for two, please.2人席をお願いします。席を予約・案内してもらう時
Could I see the menu, please?メニューを見せてもらえますか?メニューが欲しい時
I’d like to order, please.注文したいです。注文する時
Can I have [料理名], please?[料理名] をお願いします。料理を注文する時
Could I get the bill, please?お会計をお願いします。食事後にお会計を頼む時

🍽️ Part 2: 注文の流れ (How to Order Step by Step)

🏠 1. 入店時 (When Entering the Restaurant)

  • You: “Hi, a table for two, please.”
  • Staff: “Of course. This way, please.”

📜 2. メニューを見る時 (Looking at the Menu)

  • You: “Could I see the menu, please?”
  • Staff: “Here you are.”

🍔 3. 注文する時 (Placing an Order)

  • You: “I’d like the [料理名], please.”
  • Staff: “Sure. Would you like anything to drink?”
  • You: “Yes, I’ll have a [飲み物名], please.”

💬 4. 追加注文や質問 (Making Extra Requests)

  • “Could you recommend something?”(何かおすすめはありますか?)
  • “Does this dish contain nuts?”(この料理にナッツは入っていますか?)
  • “Can I get this without cheese?”(チーズ抜きにできますか?)

💰 5. お会計 (Paying the Bill)

  • You: “Could I get the bill, please?”
  • Staff: “Sure, I’ll bring it right over.”
  • You: “Can I pay by card?”(カードで支払えますか?)

💡 Part 3: よく使う単語 (Useful Vocabulary)

main courseメインディッシュ

🏃 Part 4: 練習問題 (Practice Exercises)

✍️ A. 穴埋め練習 (Fill in the Blanks)

  1. A table for ______, please.
  2. Could I see the ______, please?
  3. I’d like the ______, please.
  4. Could I get the ______, please?
  5. Can I pay by ______?

🗣️ B. ロールプレイ (Role-Play Practice)

Situation: カフェで注文する練習

You: Hi, a table for two, please.
Staff: Of course. This way, please.
You: Could I see the menu, please?
Staff: Here you are.
You: I’d like a cappuccino and a slice of cheesecake, please.
Staff: Sure. Anything else?
You: No, that’s all. Thank you.

🍽️ Part 5: 食べ物に関する英会話の質問

💬 A. 自分の意見を話してみましょう (Share Your Thoughts)

  1. What is your favorite food, and why do you like it?
  2. Do you prefer sweet or savory snacks? Why?
  3. What is a popular dish from your country? Can you describe it?
  4. Have you ever tried food from another country? What was it, and did you like it?
  5. What is your favorite restaurant or café? What do you usually order there?

📋 Part 6: 宿題 (Homework)

  1. 自分が好きなレストランのメニューを想像して、5つの料理を英語で書いてみましょう。
  2. 英語でレストランに入ってから注文するまでのシナリオを書いて練習しましょう。