🗣️ Lesson 9: 旅行でのトラブル対応

 (Dealing with Problems While Traveling)

🎯 目標 (Goals)

  • 旅行中のトラブルに対処するための英会話を習得する
  • 必要なヘルプを求めたり、問題を解決したりするためのフレーズを覚える
  • 異文化の環境で自信を持ってコミュニケーションを取る

📚 Part 1: キーワードとフレーズ (Key Vocabulary & Phrases)

🌍 旅行のトラブルに関連する単語 (Vocabulary for Travel Problems):

  • Lost luggage(紛失した荷物)
  • Missed flight(フライトの乗り遅れ)
  • Emergency(緊急事態)
  • Medical assistance(医療援助)
  • Theft(盗難)
  • Reservation problem(予約の問題)
  • Lost wallet(財布をなくした)
  • Delayed flight(遅延したフライト)
  • Wrong booking(間違った予約)
  • Taxi fare(タクシー料金)

💬 旅行中に使えるフレーズ (Useful Phrases for Travel Problems):

  • “I’ve lost my luggage. Can you help me?”(荷物を失くしてしまいました。助けてくれますか?)
  • “I missed my flight. What should I do?”(フライトに乗り遅れました。どうすればいいですか?)
  • “I need medical assistance.”(医療援助が必要です。)
  • “My wallet was stolen.”(財布を盗まれました。)
  • “Can I get a refund for the wrong reservation?”(間違った予約の返金をしてもらえますか?)
  • “Is there an emergency exit?”(非常口はどこですか?)
  • “My flight has been delayed. How long will it be?”(フライトが遅れています。どのくらい遅れますか?)
  • “How do I get to the nearest hospital?”(最寄りの病院にはどうやって行きますか?)
  • “Can you call a taxi for me?”(タクシーを呼んでくれますか?)

🎭 Part 2: モデル会話 (Model Dialogue)

Situation 1: 荷物を紛失した (Lost Luggage)

You: Excuse me, I’ve lost my luggage. Can you help me find it?
Airport Staff: Oh no! Let me check. Can you give me your baggage claim ticket?
You: Here it is. It was supposed to arrive on the flight from New York.
Airport Staff: We’ll report it to lost and found. Please wait here for a moment.

Situation 2: フライトの遅延 (Flight Delay)

You: Excuse me, my flight to Paris has been delayed. How long will it be?
Airline Staff: Your flight will be delayed for about two hours. We’ll notify you when the new boarding time is.
You: Thanks for letting me know. Is there anywhere I can wait?
Airline Staff: There’s a lounge over there where you can relax.

Situation 3: 財布を盗まれた (Stolen Wallet)

You: Help! My wallet was stolen. I need assistance.
Hotel Staff: Oh no! Let me call the police. Where did it happen?
You: It was taken from my bag while I was walking around the city.
Hotel Staff: We’ll file a report right away. Do you have a copy of your passport?

📝 Part 3: 練習問題 (Practice Exercises)

A. 穴埋め練習 (Fill in the Blanks):

  1. “I need _______ assistance.” (medical)
  2. “I’ve lost my _______.” (wallet)
  3. “Can I get a _______ for the wrong reservation?” (refund)
  4. “My flight was _______ for 2 hours.” (delayed)

B. 質問に答えましょう (Answer the Questions):

  1. If you miss your flight, what would you do?
  2. How would you ask for help if you lose your luggage?
  3. What would you do if your wallet gets stolen while traveling?
  4. How would you ask for directions to the nearest hospital?

🔄 Part 4: ロールプレイ (Role-Play Practice)

Scenario 1: 荷物の紛失 (Lost Luggage)

  • あなた: 空港のスタッフとして、荷物の紛失を伝え、助けを提供します。
  • パートナー: 旅行者として、紛失した荷物を探してもらうためにスタッフに話しかけます。


  • “Excuse me, I’ve lost my luggage.”
  • “Let me check. Could you provide your baggage claim ticket?”

Scenario 2: フライトの遅延 (Flight Delay)

  • あなた: フライトが遅れていることを告げ、旅行者に情報を提供します。
  • パートナー: フライト遅延に困った旅行者として、情報を求めます。


  • “My flight has been delayed. How long will it take?”
  • “Your flight will be delayed for about two hours.”

💬 Part 5: 会話の質問 (Conversation Questions)

  1. If your flight is delayed, what would you do to pass the time?
  2. How do you ask for help when you lose your luggage?
  3. Have you ever experienced a travel problem? How did you solve it?
  4. What’s the first thing you would do if your wallet was stolen?
  5. How would you ask for medical help if you were feeling sick while traveling?

✍️ Part 6: 宿題 (Homework)

A. 旅行でのトラブルを想定した会話を作成 (Create a Dialogue for Travel Problems):

  • 自分が旅行中に遭遇したいと思うトラブルを想定し、その問題を解決するためにどう会話を進めるかを書いてみましょう。
    • 例:
      • “I missed my flight.”
      • “My luggage is lost.”