


  1. 空港・飛行機での会話:
    • “Excuse me, where is the baggage claim?”
    • “Could you tell me where the nearest restroom is?”
    • “How much is the taxi to downtown?”
    • “Is there free Wi-Fi in the airport?”
  2. ホテルでの会話:
    • “I have a reservation under [name].”
    • “Can I check in, please?”
    • “Could you bring more towels, please?”
    • “Is breakfast included in the room rate?”
  3. レストランでの会話:
    • “Table for two, please.”
    • “Could I see the menu, please?”
    • “I’ll have the [dish], please.”
    • “Could I have the check, please?”
  4. 観光地での会話:
    • “Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?”
    • “How much is the entrance fee?”
    • “What time does the museum open/close?”
    • “Is there a guided tour available?”
  5. 緊急時の会話:
    • “Help! I’ve lost my passport.”
    • “Can you call an ambulance, please?”
    • “I need to go to the hospital.”
  6. 交通機関での会話:
    • “How often does the train/bus come?”
    • “Which platform does the train to [destination] leave from?”
    • “How much is the ticket to [destination]?”




  1. ヘルプを求める:
    • “Help!”
    • “Can you help me, please?”
    • “I need assistance.”
    • “Could you give me a hand?”
  2. 紛失や盗難の場合:
    • “I’ve lost my [item].”
    • “My [item] has been stolen.”
    • “I can’t find my [item].”
  3. 体調不良:
    • “I’m not feeling well.”
    • “I feel sick.”
    • “Is there a pharmacy nearby?”
    • “I need to see a doctor.”
  4. 交通トラブル:
    • “The train/bus is delayed.”
    • “The taxi driver doesn’t know the way.”
    • “I missed my connecting flight.”
    • “My car broke down.”
  5. 通訳や翻訳の必要性:
    • “I don’t speak [language].”
    • “Do you speak English?”
    • “Can you translate this for me?”
  6. 迷子になった場合:
    • “I’m lost.”
    • “Can you help me find my way?”
    • “Where is the nearest [landmark]?”



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