



  1. Acquisition(取得、買収)
  2. Affiliate(系列会社、提携する)
  3. Assets(資産)
  4. Benchmark(基準、ベンチマーク)
  5. Compliance(コンプライアンス、遵守)
  6. Consignment(委託、託送品)
  7. Dividend(配当金)
  8. Equity(株式、自己資本)
  9. Liability(負債、責任)
  10. Merger(合併)


  1. Acquaintance(知り合い)
  2. Aisle(通路)
  3. Convey(伝える)
  4. Engage(従事する、関与する)
  5. Facilitate(促進する、容易にする)
  6. Intricate(複雑な)
  7. Mandatory(必須の、義務的な)
  8. Reimburse(払い戻す)
  9. Substantial(相当な、実質的な)
  10. Thorough(徹底的な)


  1. Abundant(豊富な)
  2. Consecutive(連続した)
  3. Deteriorate(悪化する)
  4. Endorse(支持する、承認する)
  5. Incentive(動機、刺激)
  6. Legitimate(合法の、正当な)
  7. Prevail(勝る、広がる)
  8. Redundant(冗長な)
  9. Subsequent(その後の)
  10. Viable(実行可能な)





  1. Ahead of schedule(予定より早く)
    • “The project was completed ahead of schedule.”
  2. At your earliest convenience(ご都合がつき次第)
    • “Please send the documents at your earliest convenience.”
  3. Cutting-edge technology(最先端技術)
    • “Our company specializes in cutting-edge technology.”
  4. In the black(黒字で)
    • “Our company has been in the black for the past five years.”
  5. Under consideration(検討中で)
    • “Your application is currently under consideration.”


  1. Break the ice(場を和ませる)
    • “He told a joke to break the ice at the meeting.”
  2. Hit the nail on the head(的を射る)
    • “Your comment really hit the nail on the head.”
  3. Keep an eye on(見守る、注意する)
    • “Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?”
  4. Out of the blue(突然に)
    • “She called me out of the blue after three years.”
  5. Take it for granted(当たり前だと思う)
    • “Don’t take your health for granted.”


  1. A blessing in disguise(不幸中の幸い)
    • “Losing that job was a blessing in disguise.”
  2. Actions speak louder than words(行動は言葉よりも雄弁である)
    • “Actions speak louder than words in building trust.”
  3. Bite off more than you can chew(手に負えないことをしようとする)
    • “He bit off more than he could chew by accepting two jobs.”
  4. Burn the midnight oil(夜遅くまで働く)
    • “She’s been burning the midnight oil to finish her report.”
  5. Go the extra mile(一層努力する)
    • “Our team always goes the extra mile to satisfy our clients.”


  1. I look forward to your response.(ご返信をお待ちしております)
  2. I would like to emphasize that…(…を強調したいと思います)
  3. Please be advised that…(…をご承知おきください)
  4. We regret to inform you that…(…をお知らせすることを遺憾に思います)
  5. Your prompt attention to this matter would be appreciated.(この件に関する迅速な対応をお願いします)



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