



  1. Gold Medal (金メダル)
    • “She won the gold medal in the 100 meters.”
  2. Silver Medal (銀メダル)
    • “He took home the silver medal after a close race.”
  3. Bronze Medal (銅メダル)
    • “The team secured the bronze medal in the relay event.”
  4. Athlete (選手)
    • “The athletes are competing in various sports.”
  5. Event (競技)
    • “The 400-meter hurdles is a challenging event.”
  6. Venue (会場)
    • “The opening ceremony will be held at the main stadium.”
  7. Opening Ceremony (開会式)
    • “The opening ceremony featured a spectacular fireworks display.”
  8. Closing Ceremony (閉会式)
    • “The closing ceremony celebrated the end of the games with performances from around the world.”
  9. Torch Relay (聖火リレー)
    • “The torch relay has passed through many cities before reaching the Olympic stadium.”


  1. Record (記録)
    • “He set a new world record in the high jump.”
  2. Score (スコア)
    • “The final score was 2-1 in favor of the home team.”
  3. Finals (決勝戦)
    • “She reached the finals in the gymnastics competition.”
  4. Heat (予選レース)
    • “He won his heat in the 200-meter freestyle.”
  5. Semifinals (準決勝)
    • “The athletes competed hard to make it to the semifinals.”
  6. Podium (表彰台)
    • “Three athletes stood proudly on the podium during the medal ceremony.”
  7. Champion (チャンピオン)
    • “The reigning champion defended her title successfully.”


  1. To break a record (記録を破る)
    • “She broke the Olympic record in the marathon.”
  2. To compete (競技する)
    • “Athletes from around the world compete in various disciplines.”
  3. To qualify (予選を通過する)
    • “He managed to qualify for the finals after a tough semi-final.”
  4. To achieve (達成する)
    • “Winning a gold medal is a great achievement for any athlete.”
  5. To make history (歴史を作る)
    • “The team made history by winning the first-ever gold medal for their country.”